Sunday, October 24, 2010

News from the University of Puget Sound

Chen is here!

And fall is definitely here, and it's entirely gorgeous.

Breathe Owl Breathe

Elliott and I went to see Campfire OK and Breathe Owl Breathe, and it was an AMAZING show

Fall is in the air

Pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay yeilded beautiful results that now sit on my porch :)

Now I'm a one more mission, that's you and that's right

Gorgeous beach day!

Live life and party

Friends + drinks + weekends = awesome

Sunlight, sunlight baby!

So we had Fall Break...

Of course I went home to see some of my favorite things...

My baby nephew is getting so big!

My brother is the same as always...

and I missed GOOD sushi with a passion

Monday, October 4, 2010

Et ce soir, je suis rougeoie. Aller, aller!

So there was this party...

And I decided to pre-gamewith cheap wine, like the classy gal I am, clearly.

Then kick some ass at beeeeeeer pong at the hipster party

The night also included silly glasses and costumes.
I love to look attractive in pictures. Not.

Kecia and I always find trouble whenever we go out together, it's glorious. And, actually, it was a really great night =D