Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Night Bash

So because Kecia worked on the campaign, we got to go to a swanky election night party.

I also got to do her hair =D

We actually had a really good time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I won't always love these selfish things

Born Ruffians, in Seattle =D

Out of an ocean of faces, have I met your eyes?

Random nighttime adventure to the air force airplane museum...

You keep your distance with a system of touch and gentle persuasion

I love fall in Portland, and I went down there for the day to hang out with my family:

We went to the Saturday Market...

...and Powell's City of Books, of course...

..ate out... delicious doughnuts at VooDoo...

...and other pretty things...

I am the one who haunts your dreams of mountains sunk beneath the sea

The University of Puget Sound was this year's host for the national Race & Pedagogy Conference: